Since early October 2019, Seattle Parks has been talking about moving and renovating the Play Area at Hiawatha Park in West Seattle. Today, after multiple delays we ask...

Where Is Our Playground‽


This play area is a vibrant center of our community. Parents bring children here on nice days to play, while they catch up with friends over a cup of coffee under the trees. Seattle Parks has been making noise about the need to renovate this play area - which is exactly what is needed. However, we have experienced delay after delay on this project with no clear and timely messaging form Seattle Parks. This behavior from parks can been seen in the Lincoln Park South project that has still not been completed after more than six years without a playground at all.

Now four years and several "delays" later we Hiawatha Users must ask the question, is Seattle Parks being run in an efficient and effective manner? How are our taxpayer dollars being spent? How do we trust the word of Seattle Parks again?


How You Can Help

Seattle Parks is not a very responsive organization. In fairness they are understaffed and underfunded like every other part of our city. If you want change, you are going to have to work at it. Here are some things you can do to help.

  1. Monitor the City's project page:
  2. Contact Shannon Glass at Seattle Parks. Ask for a project update and a full accounting of the project's delays.
    They can be reached by email at, or by phone at 206-733-9313
  3. Contact Your Councilmembers. Ask them when Parks will complete the Hiawatha Play Area project.
  4. Adopt this page. Seattle Parks is responsible for so many parks, and we don't have enough people to watch them all. Join us!